{Marvel} Big Hero 6 #02-01
{Marvel} Big Hero 6 #02-02

Marvel: Big Hero 6 #2

Enter Fred. He seems like an unassuming slacker by appearance, but of course that can’t be. So, he just appears as the 6th member when they set up camp in New York. No explanation on why, we just now have a Fred in our midst. But I like Fred. He’s laid back and kind of ends up being the adult among them. I also like that he’s strong and agile even when he’s not flexing his Godzilla-like avatar or in full-on monster mode. As for the other characters, they’re still not all that interesting to me.

The series is only five issues long, but it’s developing slowly, I think. I’m not excited about it yet; I wonder if that will change with the next issue. This issue was about the team arriving in Southampton, New York, meeting the people they need to protect–one of which is a similarly inclined girl named Marys that Hiro instantly befriends–meeting Fred, and getting a glimpse of the villain-for-hire the team is up against.

The same crew worked on the art for the series, but the art changed just a bit in this volume. It’s most apparent with Honey Lemon, but you can actually see it in everything. I’m not sure why.

This issue included more character bios and a detailed comic history of Japan. That is to say, a history of Japan as it is represented as a nation/character in the Marvel universe. It was quite interesting the way fact and fiction were woven together. Also included was an 8-page comic featuring one of the former members of BH6, Sunfire. This novelty was slathered in Velveeta–goops and gobs.

One of my favorite moments in any comic is the appearance of the classic comic swear word.

{Marvel} Big Hero 6 #02-01

Also, superhero supporters and cheerleaders are usually doing their thing from the sidelines or generally out of harm’s way, but not this lady. Erin is right there, in the thick of it, supplying Sunfire with the boost of confidence he needs to save the world.

{Marvel} Big Hero 6 #02-02

You know, because that’s what friends are for. Keep smiling, keep shining…

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