Nitta Youka: Embracing Love OV01 [V01-V02]

{Nitta Youka} Embracing Love OV01 [V01-V02] [4.3]This takes me back. It’s been so long since I last read the story, especially the earlier volumes. Things that I had a vague notion of happening in maybe volume 5 0r 6 actually happened in the first two. Some of the aspects of Katou and Iwaki’s personalities are stronger than I remember, while some are not as much. I knew he took the initiative a lot, particularly in getting their relationship off the ground, but I’m seeing now (though I could have noticed before) that Katou steered their relationship from very early on. On the other hand, I recall Iwaki’s battles with waning confidence in many areas, but it seems to be so much more intense this time around. Technically, Katou falls into that dreadful younger, pushy seme category, but his charm and the story being told makes him an exception. So far, the story still holds up, so I could easily binge on it, but it’s not complete, so I’ll just take my time.

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