Yoshizumi Wataru: Cappuccino

I dropped this right before the end of the second chapter. I read this a while back, but I never scored it. I couldn’t remember the entire story and considering that I dropped it this time around, I wonder if I actually finished it. I’m sure I first picked this up when I had more patience, so there’s a great possibility that I did.

“I know you [just turned me down/have a girlfriend/are gay], but please [kiss/go on a date with] me. Just once [so I can make some beautiful memories/and then I think I can give up].” Over the years, this has continued to move up the Plot Points in Stories that Make Me Itch list. The thinner my patience gets the higher up it goes. I just can’t get into the story after that. There are probably exceptions, but I can’t think of any at the moment.

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