The print came in November and I got the PDF before that, but I’m only now getting around to reading it. I backed this for Kori Michele’s contribution, an “x years later” for Prince of Cats. It was a little sad, but didn’t end that way. I’m happy I got to read it.
I wasn’t really familiar with the majority of the other artists, but I did find some that I plan to look further into, like Lucabella, Claire DeZutti, Kukkymota, and Ciaran. I guess I should add Cloven to this list–I’ve heard of her, but I don’t believe I’ve seen her work, at least not in a context where I was consciously matching a name to an artwork. On the whole, though, the anthology was not really my cup of tea–too much in the way of hooves, ears, tails, tentacles, fur, and lingerie, among other things. Considering that this is anthology created to bring together creators who had a shared history of and have been influenced by yaoi, the pervasiveness of the non-human contingent makes me wonder if they all cut their teeth on the same sources. The most disappointing thing, though, was that they did not chapter the PDF; it was just one long string of pages with no precise way to navigate–it’s probably my biggest pet peeve when it comes to digital titles.
However, there were two other stories I was really taken with. The first one was Lucid’s “Type B” (I follow her comic Avialae on Tumblr) because it was super cute and VAMPIRES! And the second one was AE Green’s “Sugar Sandwich” (he’s one of the organizers of the anthology)–this was also super cute and interesting the way the relationship between the two characters was portrayed, refreshing.